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Apr 18, 2023

We made it to 200 episodes! 

I am so excited to hit this milestone and talk about my favorite subject besides collaboration, MONEY MONEY MONEY. 

Having to find ways to save money can frankly be annoying. Most times because we come from a frame of mind of cutting. Having to go without, loosing, restriction and sacrifice are all words I hear from clients when this subject comes up. 

Instead of cutting let's talk about reducing expenses. This small word change can help a lot when it comes to this touchy subject for most business owners. 

I talk about some ways you can think about reducing your expenses and challenge you to pick just two to work on in your situation. 

Remember cutting or reducing expenses isn't about giving up things its about thinking how to  get more things like cash in your bank and isn't that what we all want at the end of the day. 

If you read this far I know that you are an amazing Foxy Listener so I want to say a special thank you to you for hanging out with me every week. Every time you click on an episode, like a post or send me an email it just makes such a difference in my day.  Thank you for being on this journey with me.  I look forward to the next 200 stops together! 

If you read even his far and it is before May 2023 click here to get a special thank you from me to you.