Apr 12, 2019
Rodolfo Menjivar is an Author and Certified Life Coach. He was born in El Salvador in the middle of a civil war and soon immigrated to Canada so that he could have a better chance of making a difference in the world.
Rodolfo believes that being a student is not enough. One must take what has been learned and share it with others so that they too can move forward to a better life and that is just what he does on today’s episode.
If you would like to learn more about Rodolfo and his coaching you can find him on his website at https://rodolfomenjivar.com/ or visit him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/RodoMenjivar/ as well as Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rodolfo_menjivar/
If you would like to sign up for his upcoming workshop click here https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/redefining-spirituality-tickets-59787731715
You can find out more information for this episode on our blog post at www.foxtalksbusiness.ca
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