Jun 23, 2020
Getting back to the workforce can be a hard thing to do. I
myself have not needed to update at CV in over 20 years. I'm not
sure I would even know where to start. Which is why I can glad that
there are people out there like Caitlin who can guide you through
writing a resume that will get you noticed and doesn't just read
like a job description or to do list.
You may be thinking, but I'm an entrepreneur what do I need a
recruiter for? Think of how long the hiring process can take. From
advertising to weeding through countless resumes to interview after
interview. This is why getting to know the recruiters in your area
can be a very valuable thing to do. How easy to call someone and
list of the ideal employee and let them find them for you! You just
never know who they have in their data base that would be just
perfect for you.
And if you ever find yourself wanting to make a change and get back
into the work force this connection will be the most valuable one
that you have. Recruiters always have their ear to the work a day
world and what is going on. Trust me this is one connection that
will pay off for the rest of your working days.
As a special Caitlin is offering all Foxy Listeners 20% off all
services just mention that you listened to this episode! It's that