Jun 7, 2019
One of my favorite things about doing podcast is hearing people’s story, I always learn something both in my head and in my heart. This was the same with Roman as he shares not only his expertise in business and leaves us some great tips but he shares a bit about his life as a foster parent.
Roman Prokopchuk immigrated to the United States in 1990 when he was 5 with 6 other family members from Ukraine which was still under USSR. USSR stripped them of their citizenship and didn’t allow them to take anything so they arrived with nothing to a 2 bedroom apartment and whole family needing to learn a new language. He interned with the secret service and graduated college with a degree in criminal justice. When the economy tanked he couldn't find a job, so he took the opportunity to learn digital marketing and pivot his career path. He founded his own agency in 2012, started his Digital Savage Experience Podcast December of 2017 and became a foster parent in June of 2018.
Visit us at www.foxtalksbusiness.ca to learn even
more about Roman on our episode blog.