May 28, 2024
Last week my only child graduated from high school.
Hearing all the grads tell me about their goals, dreams and desires for the future I was reminded what it was like when I went into the work force. Full of new ideas, wanting to make my mark and then fighting to be taken seriously and hating when I was told I was too...
May 8, 2024
From short comings, recommitments to rival CEO's causing a breakup this weeks look at a 40 year collaboration has it all!
We are going to look at:
Why it is important to watch what others are doing
Why you should have more than one partner
Why continuing to strengthen your OTB thinking muscle is...
May 1, 2024
Have you ever been looking at your work and thinking, “I should be happy” but just aren’t?
Have you wondered, “Is this right for me?”
Have you ever felt like you are always chasing but never catching?
Have you ever wondered why your profits keep stalemating on you?
My guest today is Stephanie Riel and she is...