Aug 20, 2019
Comparison kills my motivation. It doesn't just kill it,
sometimes it brutally murders it, buries it in a shallow grave and
dances on it.
I wanted to do an episode about how comparison has killed my
motivation recently but in truth comparison has plagued me for
longer then I would care to admit.
How many times have you been looking through social media found
yourself wishing you had someone else's life, their hair, their
job, their mate, their anything? How often are you judging a book
by its cover and thinking that what you see is a reality that you
can never have? Do you find yourself looking at someone else and
then allowing negative self talk to bombard you with listing all
the things that you are doing wrong in your life?
We all compare ourselves to others, it is an obstacle that you
cannot just overcome once but something that takes practice and
consistency. With just a few tools we can rework our thoughts to
look past the cover of those "books" we compare ourselves to, to
find gratitude in what we have done with our lives, to find passion
to change what we want and to allow ourselves to be proud of what
we have accomplished big or small.