Jan 12, 2021
Jason and I sat down to talk about his journey and lessons he has learned along the way. Join me to discover how you go from Magic to Virgin to Police to SprayTan to Recruitment to Entrepreneurship! Also don’t forget to head to our website https://foxtalksbusiness.ca/blog to learn more about Jason and now to connect with him!
Jason is the founder and CEO of JMC Legal Recruitment. Jason launched JMC Legal in November 2016, since this time he has led the agency into #1 ranking legal recruitment agency on Google. JMC is now one of the countries most highly regarded legal recruitment agencies with a multi-million turnover.
Jason regularly appears in both the legal industry press and general media. He has recently been interviewed by;, Bloomberg, The Law Gazette, ITV news, Channel 4 news, Sky news, BBC radio, Insider magazine, Modern law magazine, Bristol post.