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Dec 31, 2019

As we head into this new year we all get stuck making resolutions that we are not going to keep! This year do something different! In this episode we talk about why actions are so important and why you need to do one today! 

Dec 24, 2019

I was so lucky to be invited up to visit Santa during his rush season to catch up and see what he has been doing since we first spoke in the summer.  It is such a busy place but the lights, cheer and laughter were so wonderful.  

No matter what your dreams are go for them! You just never know where they will land...

Dec 17, 2019

With our 1 year anniversary this month we wanted to look back and revisit our past guests, see what they have been up to and what goals they are setting for 2020. 

Dec 10, 2019

With our 1 year anniversary this month we wanted to look back and revisit our past guests, see what they have been up to, a lesson or a-ha moment that they had and what goals they have for 2020.  

Dec 3, 2019

I sat down with a group of amazing kids to ask them about starting a business.  What ideas they had, how much money they would need and more. I loved all their ideas and cannot wait to see how they bring them into reality.