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Aug 30, 2022

Have you ever had someone tell you that you need a strategy? Do you then spend lots of time trying to figure out what the best strategy is? Maybe the problem is that you are not doing things in the correct order.  My guest today is going to talk straight about strategies that build and scale impact, finding your...

Aug 23, 2022

Sometimes I think that since I am approaching a quarter century in business that the ol' self-doubt and self-sabotage won't creep in, but alas it always does and then the spiral starts. Self-Doubt to Avoidance to Procrastination to Diversion. 

In today's episode I share my journey in this last spiral and how I am...

Aug 16, 2022

Do you look at your website and can list all the things you would change but alas the task just keeps sitting on your list month after month. This episode is for you!

Lindy and I talk about 

How she saw a lack in the world with websites and filled it 

Some struggles she faced along the way 

How she uses networking for...

Aug 15, 2022

My guest today Patty block talks to us about:

How value based pricing can drive sales

How sales can be like matchmaking

The difference between and ideal client and an ideal buyer

And what the broken cookie effect is. 

Visit our blog for more information on Patty as well as to take her My Revenue Roadblocks Quiz will...

Aug 4, 2022

I look back on Episode 161 where I gave 6 Vacation Unplug Tips and let you know if I took my own advice and how it went.  I also tell you some holiday stories of travelling and hotels! 

You can also click here to sign up for my next Masterclass or to learn...