Jan 28, 2020
Mike is an entrepreneur, consultant, and coach certified through the High Performance Institute. He is the President and Head Coach at The Results Engine where he helps his clients boost productivity and performance so they can scale their results faster in life and in business. Mike is the founder of the Fear Hacking...
Jan 21, 2020
Brain dumping is a useful tool. It helps you to clear your mind of all the things that always get caught up in there. Think you are not like that? Try writing a To Do List and see how many items you can put on there! Today I take you on a brief look of some of the things that came out of my latest list. Some are...
Jan 14, 2020
From as young as 14 years of age, Genecia had to support herself through school. Through working in a 9-5 job and started many businesses, Genecia has gone through the highs and lows of being a business owner. Her epic journey from being in a six-figure debt to making her first million, fueled her passion to empower...
Jan 7, 2020
I used to start my mornings rushing around trying to get everyone up, fed, dressed and out the door. It caused me a lot of stress and set my day up terribly. Over the years, I have learned just how important what I do during my first hour awake really is and how changing it restructured my entire day both physically...