Feb 23, 2022
Don’t fake it till you make it, instead Practice for the future. Selling is just helping. Seven ways to grow without spending a dime. The power of using other people’s words. How to grow a business without advertising. Terry and I talk about all this and so much more on today’s episode.
Terry Begue is living proof that every single one of us has the ability to overcome our challenges and create the most extraordinary life we can imagine.
Terry started his painting business fresh out of high school with no money, no experience, no connections and no skills. Armed with nothing more than a pick-up truck and a dream. He spent years refining his painting skills only to discover no matter how good he became he was just another painter in an overcrowded market.
Refusing to settle, he stopped working on his painting skills and began perfecting his people skills. Learning what motivates people to buy, and taking away the reasons why they wouldn’t buy, and his business blew up! He more than doubled his income in just six months and over the next year, doubled it again!
Since then, Terry has fine-tuned his process for business and personal growth, into an easy to follow, four step system. His proven system has allowed his company to grow year after year, even though he hasn’t advertised since 2012!
Today, Terry is an international speaker and author of, “Attract & Keep Customers for Life: Four Abilities to Build Trust, Communicate Your Value and Charge What You’re Worth”
He recently launched his brand-new course, “Unnoticed to Unforgettable” designed to give even greater access and insight to his proven strategies in an effort to help as many people as he can fulfill the unlimited potential that lies within them.