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Jun 27, 2023

Camping, nice weather, kids out of school, laughter, coolers with ice, patio's open, there are so many things that can cause us to have summer fever and just want to walk away from our desks and enjoy all life has to offer. 

The problem is that it often results in us feeling bad once we do sit at the desk again because...

Jun 20, 2023

Today is all about:

How an irresistible First-Time Offer will transform sales for a high-ticket high trust business.

Essential elements to build an effective First-Time Offer.

The difference between identifying or solving problems and what one you need to do 

And so much more with the witty, engaging Craig Andrews! 


Jun 13, 2023

 I hear people talk about working on instead of in your business but what does that really mean and how do you do that? 

I talk to you about how I take that saying and what I do to make sure I get the ON time I need to grow. 

Jun 6, 2023

Kerry-Ann sat down with me to talk about small and medium sized business and the:

  • Difference between growing and scaling. 

  • What the triggers are for knowing it is scaling time. 

  • What to watch for when initiating a scale and how fast you do it. 

  • Some ideas you can use to scale your business. 

After listening in...